Wednesday, August 27, 2014

2011: Orlando Feeding the Homeless Leads to Arrests

This article was originally published on Yahoo! News in 2011.  As a result, I was interviewed for an article by Andres David Lopez for titled, "Activists Accuse Cities of Criminalizing the Homeless."

Also, one of the main organizers in Food Not Bombs Orlando published a book in 2012 called, Hungry for Peace: How You Can Help End Poverty and War with Food Not Bombs

COMMENTARY: One of the most important tenants of Islam is feeding the poor and homeless. However, in Orlando, Florida, these key Islamic principles of Zakat and Sadaqah are at risk.

Recently, the city of Orlando decided to repeatedly arrest locals that were openly feeding the homeless in a public place. Using their own money and time, healthy and delicious meals were cooked and served. This group, called Food Not Bombs, is part of a nation-wide effort over the past 20 years to help prevent hunger. While they are not a Muslim group and many of the members are not affiliated with any religion or political organization, their actions are what true Muslims try to be - generous to those in need. So why are these people being arrested and what does anyone do about it?

What is Zakat and Why Should Anyone Care?

In Christianity, everyone is familiar with "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." In Islam, we have the same ideas called Zakat and Sadaqah. In general, this means that you feel the urge to make sure that you are not hanging yourself on your own wealth. Although many Muslims do not actively work to feed the homeless in the United States, others feel that this is their main priority.

For this reason, many Muslims believe that the actions of organizations like Food Not Bombs represent the cornerstone of the Islamic faith. After all, if you aren't working to help others with kind words, donations, or direct charity, you aren't really worth your salt as a Muslim. However, don't Christians agree with this too?

The Library of Congress original caption states, "Design drawing for stained glass window showing The Seven Acts of Mercy: Clothing the Naked, Feeding the Hungry, Visiting the Imprisoned, Visiting the Sick, Giving Drink to the Thirsty, Sheltering the Homeless, and Burying the dead for St. Luke Episcopal Church in New Haven, Connecticut"
Why Can't The Homeless Take What We Give Them?

Sadly, as a former homeless person due to disability, I know all too well that the services available for homeless people are not always fully accessible. Despite the fact that I am not using drugs, alcohol, have a college degree, and am a former teacher, I was not able to get disability payments, social security, or unemployment support. My only income for almost 3 years was the $200 per month food stamp allotment.

When you are newly visually impaired (like I was), you start to have a lot of problems with acquiring and preparing food. Furthermore, if you are homeless, your food budget becomes incrementally more expensive. Without a place to cook or to store food, the kinds of things you can eat and prepare change dramatically. For this reason, a free hot meal with no strings attached is a great idea.

These reasons are why organizations like Food Not Bombs are great. One other reason this type of system works so well is that there isn't any judgement. You simply show up, get some food, and go about your day. Although many people donate to food banks and soup kitchens, the reality behind those organizations is often impractical.

For example, some places that offer you a free meal want you to read scriptures from the Bible. In other words, separation of church and state is not an option most of the time when you are homeless. However, organizations like God's Kitchen in Lexington, Kentucky are role models in helping hungry people with no strings attached.

Why Can't Homeless People Just Use Food Stamps?

For other homeless people, they are simply not in touch with reality enough to protect their nutritional needs. Due to mental illness, visual impairment, or bullying, food stamp cards are easily lost in the outdoor camping lifestyle of the homeless. Also, many food kitchens also deny access to those that "live" in the wrong zip code, smell of alcohol, or are banned for whatever reason the food kitchen organizers decide.

In other words, free food is hard to come by and that should not be the case. In the meantime, those that work with the homeless are frequently finding that they would rather work with organizations like Food Not Bombs. Food Not Bombs, no matter what the city, keeps it simple. Their motto is, "if you are hungry, here is some free food for you to enjoy."

Orlando Says Giving Away Food For Free Is Illegal

Orlando's decision that it is illegal to give free food to the homeless is an outrage. In the meantime, in a press releases sent by Food Not Bombs Orlando, they state they are not backing down. Everyday since Mid-May 2011, they have served food and been arrested. Each day, between two to six arrests are made. Each arrest costs the individual $100.

Obviously, everyone needs to get behind this group in Orlando and show their support. It is sad that this $100 each is being spent on the local government and not the poor people (like me!) who need the nutrition. Needless to say, you can help in two ways. The first one is to donate to Food Not Bombs in Orlando for their arrest fees.

Secondly, like myself, you may find that the Food Not Bombs that you started is the one that one day nourishes you. For this reason, be sure and start one in your local community.


Keith McHenry Food Not Bombs Global Coordination Office

Benjamin Markeson with Orlando Food Not Bombs

Shayan Elahi - Orlando Food Not Bombs Attorney

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